You may have heard that on 21st April 2015 Google released a new algorithm for their search results to account for mobile friendly search. You may now be asking yourself Is my site mobile friendly? and How do I find out?
Depending on your site and what purpose it serves our research shows that between 13% and 37% of your site visitors are now using a mobile or tablet to access your website. For a breakdown of device and industry usage; check out our report for April 2015 usage based on the industries we work with.
Here are 10 useful facts & tips to find out more on this issue.
There are lots of online tools out there to help you promote your website online.
We have listed some great tools for website rankings, search engine optimisation, online and email marketing.
Choosing the right keywords for your site is the first step to effective marketing online. Basically we are all looking for quality leads on our website. A keyword is what a customer types into Google to conduct a search for something they are looking for. WordTracker provides you with the amount of times a keyword has been searched on in the last 24 hours. Once you know what the top keywords for your business are, you can use them on your website to attract the right leads from search engines and for building emarketing campaigns with tools like Google Adwords.
Make sure you have links from allied partners, industry associations & business directory websites linking back to your website. The more you have of these the more valuable your site is rated by Google.
Make sure Google knows about all of the pages on your website. You can submit a Sitemap at the Google Webmaster Tools. Google uses your Sitemap to learn about the structure of your site and to increase coverage of your webpages. The system of lodgement requires an XML file - if you do not know how to create one, let Web Prophets know and they can set one up for you.
Below are 10 tips to help your rankings in Google...