website design
Web Prophets first redeveloped Midtown Medical Clinic website in 2013. In 2019, it was time for a fresh new look, including a responsive design.
Web Prophets has been working with Flemington Farmers' Market for over 9 years, and in 2019, it was time for another refresh of the website. One of the main requirements was to ensure the website was mobile responsive - with 80% of the target audience using mobile as the main engagement platform.
Thirrili is a not-for-profit organisation that addresses Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention and postvention. Web Prophets was asked to help Thirrili with branding, brochure design and website design, development and hosting. The website core focus is to support mental health care workers in regional areas, assist families and friends, as well as provide a resource for staff and support workers.
Web Prophets first redeveloped The Melbourne Sports Medicine Centre (MSMC) website in 2013. In 2019, it was time for a fresh new look, including a responsive design.
Cordiner King first developed their website with Web Prophets in 2014, with a redesign at the start of 2019.
National and State Libraries Australia (NSLA) is the peak body for Australia's national, state and territory libraries. A renaming to National and State Libraries Australia in July 2018, required the website to be redeveloped to reflect the priorities in NSLA’s 2018-21 strategic plan and rebranding. The focus of the website is to share strategic thinking, expertise and specialist solutions to increase productivity and achieve better outcomes.
Wagner Contemporary first came to Web Prophets to use Etools email marketing software. In June 2016, Wagner Contemporary, re-branded and moved to a new location which called for a new website. Wagner Contemporary wanted a solution that allowed them to easily update the website in-house. The website needed to showcase the current exhibition as well as have a listing of upcoming and past exhibitions. Artists profiles was also a huge part of the website with a listing of artists they represent and artworks that are available for purchase as well as artworks already sold.
Arctic Rescue Victoria Inc. is a brand new not-for-profit organisation setup to assist with the re-homing, rescue and fostering of arctic breed dogs. The website is a very important tool for the organisation as it allows them to promote dogs that are ready for adoption or in need of foster care. As a volunteer run organisation, the ability to collect donations online as well as sell tickets for fundraising events helps raise funds so the organisation can keep saving dogs in need. Arctic Rescue were the recipient of on of three $5000 web development sponsorships that Web Prophets offers each year to not-for-profit organisations.
Spa Wellness Travel have been a client of Web Prophets for over 8 years now. Spa Wellness Travel's old website required an update to improve the presentation, including a responsive theme for easy viewing on desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.
CTC are a national organisation that provides training and technical assistance to communities around Australia to help them implement the Communities That Care (CTC) system. The CTC system aims to improve health and wellbeing of local youth. Their clients are people interested in improving the health of young people and may range from local council representatives to philanthropists, to state and federal government, to business people, schools, health services and more.
Digital strategy. As a term it’s becoming increasingly overworked. Whatever you call it, digital strategy is essentially a way of thinking about the digital world of the future and how you and your organisation’s communication fit into it.
As you can imagine, we work a lot with our clients on their digital futures.
These proven tips will give you the confidence to know your strategy is leading you in the right direction.
The digital communication landscape changes everyday – the technology, your audience and your organisation. Think about strategy as the process that allows you to grow and adapt to these changes, engage, look forward, and be ready for the future.
Whether you are a graphic or web designer, it's important to keep accessibility in mind when designing for online applications. In today's world, so much can be done online from shopping, paying bills, communicating through social media, emails and facetime, researching, GPS maps and the list goes on... Using websites, tablets and smart phones is only going to continue to grow, so why should people who are visually impaired or have cognitive disabilities not have access to the online world we live in?
Here some great tips to help with the design process for websites and online applications...
Iwantja Arts asked Web Prophets to design a new logo and website to represent a community of artists living and working in and around the Indulkana Community in far north eastern South Australia on the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands 400km south of Alice Springs.
Iwantja Arts is a NFP, Aboriginal owned and run corporation. The art centre encourages artistic excellence and cultural development for its community by providing opportunities, training and career development for artists.
You may have heard that on 21st April 2015 Google released a new algorithm for their search results to account for mobile friendly search. You may now be asking yourself Is my site mobile friendly? and How do I find out?
Depending on your site and what purpose it serves our research shows that between 13% and 37% of your site visitors are now using a mobile or tablet to access your website. For a breakdown of device and industry usage; check out our report for April 2015 usage based on the industries we work with.
Here are 10 useful facts & tips to find out more on this issue.
In April we completed a quick review of mobile usage based on websites we have designed & developed over the last couple of years.
In our review we looked at the analytics of the last 50 websites Web Prophets developed.
We broke these down into 10 sectors - which are the main areas we work within. Below are the outcomes of our research (all data is for the period 29th March 2015 - 28th April 2015)
I know at times it looks like what website designers and developers do is black magic. So, to explain everything we do when Web Prophets creates a website for you we thought we would break down the 10 steps of planning your website project.
Think about what you want the website to do for your business. Write this down and do research to find out how you can set up your website to achieve your goals.
Arts Project Australia required a new fresh website that would help it promote its key activities. As a studio space and gallery for practicing artists with disabilities, the site also promotes online sales for artworks, upcoming exhibitions and events. Arts Project Australia also utilises Web Prophets Enews Manager for broadcast enews to its membership, patrons and supporters.
Mangkaja Arts is funded through a range of Government agencies. Other operational income is derived from commission from sales.
Mangkaja came to Web Prophets with a tight budget, but with the need for a website to promote the artists and art of the region as well as the online sales of some items.