website development
Australian Physiotherapy Association turned to Web Prophets when seeking a digital partner that could help support their cloud hosting infrastructure and support their internal web develoment team.
Cordiner King first developed their website with Web Prophets in 2014, with a redesign at the start of 2019.
Arctic Rescue Victoria Inc. is a brand new not-for-profit organisation setup to assist with the re-homing, rescue and fostering of arctic breed dogs. The website is a very important tool for the organisation as it allows them to promote dogs that are ready for adoption or in need of foster care. As a volunteer run organisation, the ability to collect donations online as well as sell tickets for fundraising events helps raise funds so the organisation can keep saving dogs in need. Arctic Rescue were the recipient of on of three $5000 web development sponsorships that Web Prophets offers each year to not-for-profit organisations.
Spa Wellness Travel have been a client of Web Prophets for over 8 years now. Spa Wellness Travel's old website required an update to improve the presentation, including a responsive theme for easy viewing on desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.
I know at times it looks like what website designers and developers do is black magic. So, to explain everything we do when Web Prophets creates a website for you we thought we would look at the last 7 websites we created. The chart below is a break down of the time and build components for these projects.
The projects varied in size; some were very small and others quite complex. None of the projects were online shopping carts (a story all to its self with additional requirements); however some of the larger sites contained Ecommerce components such as Membership payments and online Donation Forms. None of the websites we reviewed contained Member login areas; being primarily public facing information based websites.
In April we completed a quick review of mobile usage based on websites we have designed & developed over the last couple of years.
In our review we looked at the analytics of the last 50 websites Web Prophets developed.
We broke these down into 10 sectors - which are the main areas we work within. Below are the outcomes of our research (all data is for the period 29th March 2015 - 28th April 2015)