Spa Wellness Travel

Spa Wellness Travel, have an array of programs and packages to enhance your happiness and wellbeing, whilst staying at stunning spa health retreat or spa resort.
The Project:
Spa Wellness Travel have been a client of Web Prophets for over 8 years now. Spa Wellness Travel's old website required an update to improve the presentation, including a responsive theme for easy viewing on desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.
The Solution:
Web Prophets produced a new fresh look for Spa Wellness Travel incorporating their established logo and branding.
Developed in Drupal aGov CMS, Spa Wellness Travel is able to add, edit and delete Spa Packages, Resorts and Retreats, Promotions and there is also a Spa Calendar of upcoming events, workshops and retreats.
Creative Design / Drupal CMS Development / Website Hosting
"Having a working relationship with Web Prophets for many years, the time had come for Spa Wellness Travel to revamp its website. Speaking with Julia and Amber about what I wanted and what was going to fit with our current business size and structure. The task was put in place. Collaborating and updating text, images and adding new features has given Spa Wellness Travel a whole new energy which is exciting. So a big thank you to all at Web Prophets."
Karen Goudge
Director, Spa Welness Travel