Communities That Care

CTC are a national organisation that provides training and technical assistance to communities around Australia to help them implement the Communities That Care (CTC) system. The CTC system aims to improve health and wellbeing of local youth. Their clients are people interested in improving the health of young people and may range from local council representatives to philanthropists, to state and federal government, to business people, schools, health services and more.
Web Prophets was commissioned to design, develop and host the new CTC system website.
Web Prophets recommended commencing the project with the development of Strategy Documentation including the creations of a Specification and Wireframe as a guide for the project developers. This process allowed the project requirements to be adequately investigated, providing recommendations for the development approach. Specifically, the specification allowed Web Prophets to recommend the best options for integration with third party functions to meet the business requirements within the project budget for:
- Membership management database
- Profiling content based on profile permission
- Online forms
The specification documentation delivered accurate project costings and timing plans, as well as wireframes for the new website. This approach allowed CTC to identify the content they needed to produce for the website, and removed a substantial amount of the risk factor out of the project including the risk of scope creep; allowing Web Prophets to complete the website within budget and within the allocated timeframe.