Wagner Contemporary

Wagner Contemporary first came to Web Prophets to use Etools email marketing software. In June 2016, Wagner Contemporary, re-branded and moved to a new location which called for a new website. Wagner Contemporary wanted a solution that allowed them to easily update the website in-house. The website needed to showcase the current exhibition as well as have a listing of upcoming and past exhibitions. Artists profiles was also a huge part of the website with a listing of artists they represent and artworks that are available for purchase as well as artworks already sold.
Web Prophets built Wagner Contemporary's new website in Drupal aGov CMS. The websites includes exhibitions which appear in 3 different areas; Now Showing, Coming Soon and Past Exhibitions. The exhibitions automatically move around based on the start and end date. There is also the Stockroom which lists artists Wagner Contemporary represent with a short biography, recent awards and a gallery of their artworks available/sold. The gallery images pop-up to large version to allow potential buys to view the artwork in details. There is also a News section for Wagner Contemporary to post updates on artists winning awards, exhibition announcements etc.