National State Libraries of Australia

National and State Libraries Australia (NSLA) is the peak body for Australia's national, state and territory libraries. A renaming to National and State Libraries Australia in July 2018, required the website to be redeveloped to reflect the priorities in NSLA’s 2018-21 strategic plan and rebranding. The focus of the website is to share strategic thinking, expertise and specialist solutions to increase productivity and achieve better outcomes.
The site focuses on news items, current projects, resources and organisational information.
Incorporating the best that Drupal 8 has to offer; the new NSLA website includes a large resources section to share policies/guidelines, statistics, presentations, video's and submissions. The resources cover a huge range of topics which can be filtered for users ease. There is also a news section to highlight events, news, project updates and team profiles from libraries all around Australia.
The website also meets AA accessibility standards.